Mr. I AM ART himself, ARTavius Veasey, born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. A graduate of Full Sail University receiving his master's degree in media design is always looking for ways to challenge his creativity and knowledge. Having a passion for the ARTS and empowering others to believe in themselves by sharing his testimony; He tends to produce creative avenues to illustrate, articulate, and integrate his life’s journey and legacy filled with moments we can all enjoy for years to come.

Prematurely birthed at 24 weeks and diagnosed with kidney disease at the age of three, ARTavius came into this world with a disadvantage. Undergoing dialysis for 18 months at the age of 13 and now coming up on his 17th-anniversary post-transplant this summer is only the beginning for this trailblazer. Debuting his first memoir, Becoming A Living Testimony: How kidney disease blessed my life on his 15th kidney anniversary has brought many accomplishments for this new author; Selling over 200+ books internationally with the publication available for purchase online through major retailers such as Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Walmart, Target, Books a Million, and a local black-owned bookstore in his hometown Memphis, Tennessee called Demoir Books & Things. Never allowing the disability or stigma around the disease to define him, he always strived to rise above adversity and lead by example.

Being such a beacon of light, his story and talent have opened doors that he would not have imagined would open at such a young age. His journey had led him to Donate Life's Transplant Games of America, a bi-yearly Olympic-style games event created for transplanted recipients and living donors to compete and spread awareness about organ and tissue donation. In the 2018 games, ARTavius achieved one of his ultimate dreams of becoming a gold medalist athlete; Amongst winning his gold medal, he also received a bronze and silver medal in other track and field activities. He’s a multiple award-winning actor and graphic designer, professionally acting around the city of Memphis for the past nine years, and starred in more than 22 stage productions, two documentaries, and two short films. He's the publisher and creative director of his own Arts magazine ARTist Feature, and host of two biweekly podcasts Becoming a Living Testimony and Stories of Hope. He's been featured on the cover of Focus magazine twice, billboards, and bus ads around the city, interviewed on iheartradio, The Bev Johnson Show, WDIA AM radio station, Local 24 News, and a plethora of podcast platforms. However, despite all the accomplishments and accolades, being a positive representation and example for the next generation to believe in themselves no matter the opinions of others or adversity they may face in life is his ultimate life purpose.